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  • Writer's pictureMaria Johansson

Celebrating Cacao Festival

The annual celebration of our Cacao festival was very appreciated by our community of parents, children and staff. Festivals play a large part of the major rhythms in any Waldorf school. Festivals are a way to engage deeper appreciation for what natural cycles are taking place in our surroundings. Côte d’Ivoire is the worlds largest exporter of Cacao and it was a given highlight as we established yearly rhythms and festivals back in 2018. This is our third cacao festival and the tradition grows deeper for every year. Festivals allow for a focus on a theme throughout craft, storytelling, meals and activities such as gardening. Cacao seeds are planted, nurtured and brought up. The cacao fruit is brought in and the beans are tasted in their different stages from fresh to roasted. The caskets are used for craft and material for creative play. Enriching the learning through festivals is a way to leave beautiful imprints of all the senses. To quote Confucius “ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

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